Meets Thursday 9:00-10:00 Physics Room 1131

Instructor: Prof. Keith Lidke

Room 1140, Physics and Astronomy
phone: (505)277-0302


The format will be one ~ 30 minute presentation per week of either a research report or a journal paper presentation. Topics will be any aspect of fluorescence super-resolution imaging, single particle tracking, single molecule imaging or spectral imaging. After the contributed talk, I will discuss topics in computing/programming related to the work in my lab. Topics will include object oriented programming in Matlab, generating Matlab mex files, instrument control, using Microsoft Visual Studio, and GPU programming using NVIDIA's CUDA. We may also have a few full-hour talks by external speakers during the semester.

Registration is not required for attendance or participation, but please register if you can.


Credit for the seminar requires attendance and one research or journal presentation.

Fall Semester Schedule

Date Presenter Topic Compute Topic
21-Jan Organizational Meeting
28-Jan Dr. Marjolein Meddens Journal Paper: Ultrahigh-throughput single-molecule spectroscopy and spectrally resolved super-resolution microscopy
4-Feb Mohamad Fazel "Control Theory, the PID circuit, and Application to Active Image Stabilization"
11-Feb Hanieh Farsibaf Journal Paper: A review of progress in single particle tracking: from methods to biophysical insights. MATLAB mex files.
18-Feb Dr. Jingyao Li "Multi-color fluorescence in-situ hybridization (M-FISH) image analysis based on sparse representation models."
25-Feb Farzin Farzam Journal Paper: Precise Three-Dimensional Scan-Free Multiple-Particle Tracking over Large Axial Ranges with Tetrapod Point Spread Functions. NA
3-Mar No Class: BPS Meeting
10-Mar BPS Meeting Recap
17-Mar Peter Relich Journal Paper: Inference in particle tracking experiments by passing messages between images.
24-Mar Prof. Lidke Various lab related topics. Intro to Python
31-Mar Dr. Marjolein Meddens Journal Presentation: High-density three-dimensional localization microscopy across large volumes. TBD
7-Apr Farzin Farzam "Sequential Superresolution Imaging" TBD
14-Apr Dr. Mark Olah (Postponed) Research Presentation TBD
21-Apr Hanieh Farsibaf "Simultaneous Imaging and Labeling of Actin in HeLa Cells" TBD
28-Apr Genevieve Phillips "FRET with FAPs" TBD
5-May Mohamad Fazel "Introduction to Wavelets" TBD
12-May Peter Relich "The Two Frame Tracking Problem" TBD
