Keith A. Lidke received his PhD from the University of Minnesota in 2002. His dissertation work was in the area of low temperature physics in which he studied scattering from superfluid helium four. From 2002 to 2005 he worked as a post-doctoral fellow in the laboratory of Thomas M. Jovin, located at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Goettingen, Germany. There, he worked on developing several new techniques for fluorescence microscopy including programmable array microscopy, lifetime imaging, single quantum dot tracking, and superresolution using blinking probes. After a short post-doc at Sandia National Laboratories (2006-2007), he joined the Physics and Astronomy department at the University of New Mexico. He is a member of the UNM Cancer Center and the 'The New Mexico Center for Spatiotmperal Modeling of Cell Signaling (STMC)', an NIH center for systems biology, for which he directs the center's superresolution technology core.
Research Assistant Professor
STMC "Super-resolution Core" manager.
Development and application of super-resolution methods.
Physics and Astronomy
Bayesian methods for super-resolution and single particle tracking analysis.
Physics and Astronomy
Super-resolution and single particle tracking methods for imaging protein-protein interactions.
Single-objective lightsheet microscopy.
Single particle tracking analysis
PhD, Physics, University of New Mexico, 2019
"Investigation of Membrane Protein Dynamics using Correlative Single-Particle Tracking and Super-resolution Microscopy Combined with Bayesian Inference of Diffusion in Arbitrary Landscapes"
PhD, Optical Sciences and Engineering, University of New Mexico, 2018
"High-Throughput Automated Multi-Target Super-resolution Imaging"
PhD, Physics, University of New Mexico, 2017
"Single Particle Tracking: Analysis Techniques for Live Cell Nanoscopy."
PhD, Optical Sciences and Engineering, University of New Mexico, 2014
"Development of Optical Systems and Imaging Analyses for Hyperspectral Microscopy and 3D Super-Resolution Imaging"
PhD, Physics, University of New Mexico, 2013
"Hyperspectral Line Scanning Microscopy for High-Speed Multicolor Quantum Dot Tracking"
PhD, Physics, University of New Mexico, 2011
"The Evaluation of ERK1 Dimerization Models using Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy and the Development of Analysis Algorithms for Single-Molecule Super Resolution"